Coupon Book is a system for printing payment coupons. Coupon Book provides a form for entering client information and payment details, and a Pay To/Payment Information form for entering the person or company to make payment to. Registration benefits include customization of Payment Book to include your Company Logo on the printed payment stubs.
Main features:
-Print payment coupons.
-Print cover stub to include with your coupon book.
-Print three or four payment stubs per letter size (8.5" x 11") page.
-Payment periods of Monthly, Semi-Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Weekly and Bi-Weekly.
-A loan calculator.
-A database to reprint coupon books and keep a record of printed coupon books.
-Security to prevent data from being tampered with.
-Start coupon books at any payment number.
-Differ last payment amount.
-Include a late fee and late fee amount.
-Print balance due after payment.
-And much, much more!